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  • Writer's pictureGuy Fitzgerald


This is something that has been around for a very long time. Mostly with the gym bros and the body building community. Once again, a lot of their methods are being proven to be very effective. Now I'm not saying getting shredded down to 6% body fat or less is a good and or healthy idea. What I am saying is that these people have been doing these sort of things for years and years while still staying in great shape throughout their entire adult lives. So why haven't we been paying attention?

I would suggest we haven't paid attention because we feel that it is virtually impossible for us to get to the place that they are. Well, who said we have to go to their extreme? It seems to me that what they are doing works. Yes, minus all the drugs yadda yadda yadda. I'm talking about their methods of nutrition when it comes to losing bodyfat and then not gaining a shit ton of weight afterwards. Not all physique competitors and bodybuilders use reverse dieting, but the ones that do, swear by it.

Reverse dieting has started to hit the mainstream. If you have not heard about it or you have no idea what it is, Reverse dieting is a method of slowly increasing caloric intake over a period of time after a period of calorie restriction or dieting. The goal of reverse dieting is to minimize weight gain while increasing metabolism and restoring hormonal balance.

Now I know you are thinking what the hell does that mean? Basically, our bodies are amazing machines. Our systems will get used to whatever it is we dish out to it.

I will use myself as an example. I started my weight loss journey in January of 2021 at 53 years old. I'm 5' 8" tall and I weighed 240lbs. To keep this brief I lost 40lbs and then immediately put 18 back on. Then lost the 18 plus another 10 or so. Then put another 10 back on. Then lost more and eneded up around 192. I stayed there for over a year. To say I was frustrated is a major understatement. I will add that I refused to starve myself. I played that game far too many times in the past. This is when I decided to try reverse dieting. I began speaking with a coach that had knowledge of the process.

He helped me along the path. My maintenance at that time was roughly 1700 calories. Which for someone my weight and height was pretty low. I slowly increased my calorie intake over time. I ended up roughly 2700 calories over a 6-month period, without gaining more than 5lbs. I knew that I was going to be very active in the coming month, so I decided to diet or cut for 30 days. I dropped 15lbs after staying the same for over a year. I ate roughly 2100 calories a day. Which honestly is quite doable for people my size. I then maintained for a while. My maintenance was more like 2400 this time. I did another cut for 50 days this time and lost another 12lbs. The other part of this equation is that I continued to add muscle while doing all this. So my actual weight has only changed slightly yet I look and feel 100% better. My lowest was 178lbs and I have settled around 180lbs. My maintenance is 2400 or so. Meaning some days more some days less. I plan on doing more cuts until I get my bodyfat % at 15. I believe I am somewhere around 20% right now. So I will maintain for a while and then do another 5 to 10lb cut. Rinse and repeat.

People may want to reverse diet for a variety of reasons, such as after a competition or event, after a long period of strict dieting, or to improve overall health and metabolism. When an individual undergoes a prolonged period of calorie restriction, the body may go into a state of metabolic adaptation, which means that the body becomes more efficient at using fewer calories to perform daily functions. This can lead to a decrease in metabolism, making it harder to lose weight or maintain weight loss.

Reverse dieting is for anyone who has experienced a period of calorie restriction or dieting and wants to slowly increase their caloric intake while minimizing weight gain. This method is particularly useful for individuals who have reached a plateau in their weight loss journey or those who have experienced negative effects from prolonged calorie restriction.

The duration of a reverse diet can vary depending on the individual's goals and starting point, but typically lasts anywhere from 4-12 weeks. During this time, an individual gradually adds calories to their daily intake by increasing their carbohydrate and fat intake. Protein intake remains the same.

While reverse dieting, individuals can eat a variety of whole, nutrient-dense foods such as lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables. It is important to note that reverse dieting is not an excuse to binge on junk food or highly processed foods. Instead, it is a time to focus on nourishing the body with nutrient-dense foods that will support overall health and wellbeing.

There are limited studies on reverse dieting, but some anecdotal evidence suggests that it can be an effective method for improving metabolism and restoring hormonal balance. The concept of reverse dieting is grounded in the principles of metabolic adaptation and is supported by the idea that slow and steady increases in caloric intake can help to re-set the body's metabolism and prevent weight gain.

One proponent of reverse dieting includes fitness professional such as Dr. Layne Norton. He has popularized the concept of reverse dieting and has helped to educate others on the benefits of this method.

Reverse dieting is a method of slowly increasing caloric intake over a period of time after a period of calorie restriction or dieting. This method can be useful for individuals who have reached a plateau in their weight loss journey or those who have experienced negative effects from prolonged calorie restriction. While there is limited research on reverse dieting, anecdotal evidence suggests that it can be an effective method for improving metabolism and restoring hormonal balance. Reverse dieting is a method that is supported by fitness professionals such as Dr. Layne Norton.

If you would like to learn more about reverse dieting or would like some help implementing it into your life. You can reach out to me anytime.

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