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  • Writer's pictureGuy Fitzgerald

The truth about losing belly fat.

We’ve all seen magazine and internet articles with titles like this:

“The 5-Second Flat Belly Trick!”


“6 Days to a Six-Pack!”

But here’s the truth:

Belly fat isn’t eradicated quickly, nor is being “totally shredded” always the most productive health goal. As a matter of fact, those people that do lose weight quickly tend to be "skinny fat".

I'm sure you have heard this expression before. Basically people lose weight quickly. The problem is they lose 50% fat and 50% muscle so lots of times if not most of the time they end up with a worse off bodyfat percentage. It takes time to lose the belly. In most cases it is the last area to let it go. Our bodies can be super stubborn at times.

Some types of belly fat are associated with health risks.

Visceral fat—that’s belly fat found deep in your abdomen, surrounding your internal organs—is linked to chronic inflammation, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other metabolic disorders.

(Subcutaneous fat—the padding just under the surface of the skin—is relatively benign.)

Of course, without slicing yourself open (hard pass), you won’t easily know what kind of fat your belly harbors. If you are overweight with a belly odds are you have too much Visceral fat. If you have been yo yo dieting for many years than those fat cells are even a bigger pain in the ass to get rid of.

Luckily, the healthy behaviors that help you lose belly fat for aesthetic reasons will also help you improve your health and reduce your risk of disease.

They look something like this:

✅ Consume a diet centered around minimally processed foods. (This makes it harder to overeat, and easier to feel satisfied and meet your nutrition requirements.) Protein, protein, protein, I cannot stress this enough. Not only will protein keep you satiated. (feeling full) It will help you to keep the muscle you have and if you are weight training like you should be. It will be necessary for your body to build more muscle. Yes, yes you can build muscle while losing weight. This will not last forever but it can be done.

✅ Find movement that you like and will do regularly. (Consistency trumps just about everything else.) For beginners weight train 2x a week and walk everyday for 60 to 90 minutes. You do not have to do it all at once. You can walk 15 minutes after every meal. you can strength train 15 minutes each day or 30 minutes every other day. Or maybe you like to do long sessions of an hour each. It has been proven that it doesn't matter how you do it. As long as you get it done. As long as you are consistently moving you will succeed.

✅ Eat slowly and mindfully. (Helps improve mind-body awareness so you can more easily eat the right amount for your body.) This will help you to understand what full feels like. I like to shoot for 80% full. That is a lot different than what I used to do. Constantly stuffing myself into a food coma simply was not working anymore.

✅ Practice self-compassion. (Sure, it sounds woo-woo, but it’s linked to healthier eating, more consistent exercise habits, and lower rates of anxiety, depression, and perceived stress.)

I used to beat myself up on a daily basis. I really never gave myself a break. It has been a long road for me to find a balance. Not something I'm perfect at. Something I do strive for. I have also found that I can be too easy on myself in the name of self compassion. I must be ever vigilant.

Not exactly clickbait, huh?

But consider: How many people actually do these things… day in and day out?

Well, statistically-speaking: Less than 3 percent of Americans meet the basic qualifications for a “healthy lifestyle.” Next time you go out in public look at everyone. I live in a very populated area and most people are seriously over weight. It really is eye opening once you begin to pay attention to it. I fear that it is becoming the norm. I do not believe that is a good thing nor do I think it is good for our kids and the following generations.

The point: If so few people can do just the basics, how likely is it that they’ll be able to do something that’s even harder? Especially when they’re just starting out?

(Like those advanced, “cutting edge” nutrition or fitness protocols that “celebrity models and Marvel heroes use.”)

The reality…

Fat loss tactics don’t need to be complicated. In fact, the “boring” stuff totally works—and is a lot more doable (and certainly more sustainable) than pretty much any “extreme” plan.

We need to stick to the boring old basics. Go for walks. Lift heavy things. Keep yourself active throughout the day. You don't have to kill yourself with orange theory or crossfit. You don't have to run a marathon. It's great if that is what you want to do. But to lose the belly all you need to do is be consistent and have a plan to stick with the basics.

If you need any guidance on what the basics will look like for you follow me on IG @guyfitz1266 or on Facebook- Guy Fitzgerald

or you can book a free call with me

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