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  • "Overcome Bad Habits: Strategies for Lasting Change"

    These are some of the worst and best habits that you can indulge yourself in. I personally have had all the bad habits as well as all the good ones. I can say from personal experience that you will feel better if you dump some of those bad habits. Now I know that it is very easy to say just get rid of your bad habits and replace them with new ones. Honestly, it really isn’t that simple. It takes time, perseverance, tenacity, and dedication to change. That is what we are doing when we discuss changing our habits. We are changing as humans. We are becoming someone that we were not. So that means we must metamorphosize into something or someone new. I cannot help but use the butterfly as an example. The ugly little creature inside that cocoon. After a period, completely changes into something new and beautiful. That is something us humans can do. We can change our old behaviors and habits. We can change and become different. We can and we will if we simply decide to. That’s right, all it takes is a decision. It takes a decision to change. You may have to make that decision 1,000 times a day at first. You may only have to make that decision 1 time a week, or a month. But that really is what it boils down to. You must decide that you want to change. Now that change is going to take time. How much time? Well, that depends on the individual and the habit that they are trying to change. I personally do not like change. I kick and scream through it most times. I do it mostly due to the pain a certain behavior is causing me. I would love to tell you I change because I choose to be a better person. As much as I would like you to think that. It is just a fantasy. I'm really not that wonderful. If I want to be happy, I must continue to go through the metamorphosis of life. Whether I like it or not. If you have ever been unhappy than you know that the only way to become happy, is to change something. I find that usual something ends up being me. I am always and forever responsible for my happiness and struggle. As well as my success. Which I proudly shout to the world on a daily basis. Not too brag but to show people that it can be done. For anyone looking to change their habits. I always steer them to the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. This book has helped me to change. This book gave me a different perspective on habit change. This book made it easier for me to change. Not to be confused with easy. There is nothing easy about changing your habits. I will say this. If your habits are causing you any type of discomfort or pain. Then you may want to look at those habits and do a deep dive into how you can go about changing them. Some habits can be replaced. Some simply get eliminated. Some habits you can do together. Mr. Cleary calls it habit stacking. Think walking and getting some work done at the same time. “Here is a list of 5 of some of the worst habits.” 1. Smoking and alcohol – Smoking is incredibly destructive to your health and fitness as it increases your risk of cancer and other serious illnesses and can make it harder to exercise and stay in shape. Alcohol really isn’t much better for us. It can damage our organs, weaken our immune system, increase our risk of cancer, and cause addiction. Consuming too much alcohol can also lead to violence, accidents, relationship problems, and financial difficulties. Everything in moderation. Unless of course you don’t understand what, that word means. Then it is something you need to look at. 2. Not getting enough sleep – Not getting enough sleep can have a negative effect on your overall health and wellbeing. It can cause fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and a weakened immune system. It can also increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes. 3. Sitting for extended periods of time – Prolonged periods of sitting can lead to poor posture, increased risk of disease, and decreased physical activity, which can all lead to poor health and fitness. 4. Eating processed and fast foods – Eating processed and fast foods can lead to weight gain, poor nutrition, and an increased risk of chronic diseases, all of which can impact your health and fitness. There is some evidence that suggests that processed foods are being engineered to make people eat more. There was one study that had 1 group eat whatever they wanted as long as it was from whole foods. The other group ate whatever they wanted from processed foods. The group that ate only processed foods ate on average 600 more calories a day. That’s a day folks, which is 109,500 calories more a year. Which equals 31.2 more lbs. of fat on your body in one year!! That my friends is insane. There is no wonder why over 68% of our population is overweight. 5. Skipping meals – Skipping meals can lead to fatigue, nutrient deficiencies, and overeating later on, which can all sabotage your health and fitness goals. I’m not a fan of restricting. It works for some but not most. I personally would not tell someone not to do it. I would just say let's pay attention to how you feel and what is going on in your body. We can then adjust depending on how things are going. I myself will binge eat more often if I skip a meal. So, this is a bad habit for me. I need to make sure I eat throughout the day so that I don’t overeat at night because I’m ravenous. Let’s face it. When I’m that kind of hungry I will always go for the quick fix. So, I definitely lose being mindful of what I’m eating. “Here is a list of 5 of some of the best habits.” 1. Establishing a consistent exercise routine. Having a consistent exercise routine is important for having success in a health and fitness journey because it helps to ensure that you are consistently working towards your goals. When you are consistent with your exercise routine, you are able to track your progress and adjust it as needed to achieve the best results. Additionally, having a consistent exercise routine helps to maintain your motivation and helps to prevent burnout. It took me a long time to figure this out. Being consistent is so much more important than doing something for 3 months and then letting life get in the way for the next 3 months. Pick something that you will do on a consistent basis. If that means only once a week. Then so be it. You are better off doing something once a week for a year, then you are doing something 5 times a week for 90 days. It’s the cumulative results you get over time that get you the results you are looking for. I think that goes for everything in life. Not just health and fitness. 2. Eating a balanced diet. Eating a balanced diet is important because it helps to ensure that we get all the essential nutrients our body needs to stay healthy and functioning properly. It also helps us maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. I’m a big believer in eat whatever you want within reason. There are no so-called bad foods. Everything and anything is bad if you consume too much of it. Now before someone gets into a tizzy. Yes, I do think that there are lots of foods out there that are not good for us. Yes, there are things that I chose not to eat. That doesn’t mean those foods are bad for you. Maybe you can eat them in moderation. If you find out that you cannot. Then you must decide whether or not they are a good choice for you. Everything is on the table. It is for the individual to decide what is appropriate to consume for their individual goals. I do not know about you. But when you tell me I cannot have something. It is all I want. I will obsess and drive myself batshit crazy. So, for me, and I have found for many others. It is best to just make a decision that you do or do not want to eat something. 3. Getting adequate sleep. Getting adequate sleep is important for health and fitness because it helps to improve concentration, boost energy levels, and regulate hormones. Additionally, getting enough sleep helps the body to repair itself, improves mood, and strengthens the immune system. Without adequate sleep, people can become more prone to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses. Plainly stated, It is super important that you get enough sleep. It must be a priority if you want to function properly in life. It has been scientifically proven to be vital for our health that we get enough sleep. No just because you can function on 5 hours, does not mean that it is enough for you. Go to bed earlier!! 4. Practicing mindfulness and meditation. Some of the benefits of having a practice of mindfulness and meditation, include being able to stay present in the moment. If you are are anything like me, you love to wander. It’s like my brain has a mind of its own. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety. A quick 5 minutes of being still and quiet can help me to regain my composure. Sometimes that is just taking a walk down the hall. It helps to improve focus and concentration. If any of you have ever heard of or have been in the zone. This is the place I’m talking about here. Think of something you did that is normally hard. Time seemed to fly buy and the task is done. It felt effortless. It almost feels like it was a dream. I’ve been there a quite a few times in my life. Mostly during a sport. 5. Staying hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is important because it helps to keep our bodies hydrated and can help regulate body temperature, digestion, and waste removal. It also helps to prevent dehydration, which can cause various health issues. The average human body is made up of 60% water, roughly 709 ounces, which is approximately 4.5 gallons of water. That it a lot of water. We need to continually replace that for optimal health. Our blood is 55% water. So, if we are continually dehydrated. Our blood cannot flow through our systems properly. Making our heart work much harder than necessary. So, something that we must always be mindful of is replenishing our water during and after any type of activity. We should shoot for 8 – 12 ounces of water for every 20 minutes of activity. Of course, this is just a general guideline. Some people like me sweat profusely. So, when I am running, I have found that I needed to weigh myself before my run, then weigh myself after. So that I could hydrate properly. I also found it to be very important that I use either an electrolyte drink or simply add some salt to my water. Salt is extremely important to our systems. So, when we sweat it out, we need to be mindful of replacing it. Otherwise, we can definitely feel fatigued. It is true we are the only ones in this crazy world that can change ourselves. There is not anyone that can do it for us. The change must be something that is more important than where you are now. Sometimes you may have a desire to change. Sometimes the change doesn’t happen. That’s ok. Do not get down on yourself. Just keep going forward, keep plugging away. Sometimes it takes pain. Pain is the great motivator for change. God knows without pain I would have not changed a thing. Remember that you do not have to do it alone. I am a firm believer in that also. We are not meant to be alone. We are not meant to do things alone. Think about it. In war it is considered cruel and unusual punishment to keep prisoners isolated from everyone. It is against the law to do so. So why as humans do we continue to try and do things alone and by ourselves.” I can do it. Just leave me alone” I must have said that a thousand times. Over a period of time, and usually struggle, I end up asking for help. For some reason us men just refuse to ask for help. We are a stubborn creature. We can use that stubbornness to help us change for the better. Hey whatever works. When I was first getting sober, I told my sponsor the only reason I go to meetings is to meet women. He laughed and said "whatever keeps you coming. Just don't drink." I did keep going. I changed a lot over the past 35 years in sobriety. I also gained some really bad habits in the process, that I needed to replace with some healthier more useful and purposeful ones that I could be proud of. That didn't happen overnight. Remember it takes T.I.M.E. Things I Must Earn. God, forbid we ask for directions!! If you need help with your habits, Health or fitness. just fill out this questionnaire and I will get back to you within 24 hours. You can book a FREE consultation if you would like to make some positive changes in your life. O

  • "Fuel Your Body: The Benefits of Protein"

    There came a time in my health journey where I just couldn't lose any more fat. I couldn't eat any less and I was always hungry. I was also maxing out on my cardio. I thought I was eating properly. I was doing everything I was taught. Until I hired a coach that started teaching me about protein and why it was necessary. We all think we are eating enough protein. The truth is most of us don't even come close to the amount we need to consume. What is protein and how does it help exactly? Protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a vital role in the health and functioning of the human body. It is the building block of cells and tissues, and is present in everything, from your hair to your bones. Protein is made up of amino acids. These are the building blocks of the body and are essential for the growth, repair and maintenance of the body. Protein is necessary for building muscle, bones, and other tissues. It is also important for producing hormones, enzymes, and other molecules needed for normal function. Protein is also necessary for a healthy immune system and for providing energy for daily activities. By far protein is the most important for building and strengthening muscles. When you exercise, your muscles break down and need to be rebuilt. Without protein providing the building blocks for this process, your muscles cannot repair and grow. Eating enough protein can help you to build lean muscle and increase strength. Not only that but protein helps us maintain the muscle we have. Considering we start losing 1 to 3% of our muscle every year starting at the age of 30. Eating protein is an effective way to slow that process down. Add weight training and you will reverse the process. Protein also helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer. It takes longer for the body to break down and digest protein than other macronutrients, so eating protein-rich foods can help to keep you feeling satisfied and less likely to overeat. Once I learned the right amount of protein to consume. My weight loss journey became much easier. I wasn't hungry all the time. The truth is when I eat the proper amount it sometimes is very difficult to finish. If we all just concentrated on eating enough protein, I would put money down that the obesity problem would go down significantly. Protein can be very effective for weight loss. Because it helps to keep you satiated (feeling fuller for longer), it can help to reduce overall calorie intake and minimize cravings. Additionally, protein helps to preserve muscle mass when you are trying to lose weight, meaning that you will lose body fat rather than muscle. Perfect example of this is one of my clients who happens to be 60. Started hitting his protein target every day and in 2 months of training was able to add 3lbs of muscle, lose 14lbs, and lost 4% body fat. There is also the thermic effect of food (TEF) which is the energy expenditure required to digest, absorb, and metabolize the nutrients in the food we eat. Proteins have the highest thermic effect of all macronutrients, meaning the body requires more energy to digest and metabolize proteins than it does for carbohydrates or fats. This means that when consuming a diet rich in proteins, the body will burn more calories than it would if the same number of calories came from carbohydrates or fats. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day. This equates to about 56 grams for most adult women, and about 70 grams for most adult men. You must remember that these dietary guidelines are bare minimum. I find it much easier to use 1g of protein per 1lb of lean body mass. If you weigh 175 and should weigh 150. Eat 150g of protein daily. This is a great goal to shoot for and has shown to be very effective in helping people to build muscle and lose weight. Eating a variety of protein sources, including lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, nuts, and dairy products, can help you to meet this goal. When raising your protein goals, you can find it very difficult to hit your numbers. That's why supplements come in so handy. I eat 150 to 180g every day. I couldn't do it without supplementing. I just don't want to eat that much turkey, chicken, or beef. Protein is extremely satiating. You get full and stay full for much longer periods of time. There are plenty of supplements to choose from. Just remember that third party tested products are always the best way to go. These are the different types of protein supplements you can use to help meet your specific needs. Of all these whey is easily the best source of protein. Unfortunately, many people find it difficult to digest. It can cause bloating and other various gastric symptoms. I find that I can tolerate 1 protein shake made with whey and then I drink a second made with plant protein. The plant protein is much easier to digest. I also use magic spoon cereal because it's made with whey protein and has very little sugar. Another product I use is overnight oats or kreatures of habit oatmeal. I like overnight oats the best. KOH has 30g of whey protein per serving. Overnight has 20g and you have a choice between plant or whey. Plus, they have a huge choice in flavors. 1. Whey Protein: Whey protein is a complete protein supplement that is quickly absorbed and helps build lean muscle mass, aids in fat loss and boosts your metabolism. 2. Casein Protein: Casein protein is a slow-digesting protein supplement that provides a steady release of amino acids into the bloodstream, making it ideal for taking before bed. 3. Soy Protein: Soy protein is a plant-based protein supplement with a complete amino acid profile. It is often used as an alternative to animal protein sources and is known for its many health benefits. 4. Pea Protein: Pea protein is a plant-based protein supplement that is low in calories and carbohydrates and is easy to digest. It also provides a good source of fiber, which can help control blood sugar levels. 5. Egg White Protein: Egg white protein is a highly bioavailable protein supplement that is low in fat and cholesterol. It is a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. 6. Hemp Protein: Hemp protein is a plant-based protein supplement that is high in fiber, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. It is also a complete protein and is easy to digest. 7. Rice Protein: Rice protein is a plant-based protein supplement that is low in calories, carbohydrates and fat. It is a low-allergy protein source and is also a complete protein. In summary, protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a crucial role in the health and functioning of the human body. It is important for building and preserving muscle, helping you to stay satisfied, and aiding in weight management. Eating a variety of protein sources in the right amounts can help you to stay healthy and strong. Guy Fitzgerald Follow me on Instagram @guyfitz1266 Follow me on FACEBOOK @GuyFitzgerald If you would like to know more about my fitness and nutrition program, you can fill out this form and I will get back to you within 24hours.

  • Alcoholic, to Father and Husband. To Obese. To marathon Runner and Certified Personal Trainer.

    I'm a firm believer that if you set your mind to something, you can achieve it no matter what. I'm living proof of that. I'm a recovering alcoholic sober now 35 years. At 19 years old I was told by the Dr. That I wouldn't make it to 25. It's a crazy story for another time. I have a culinary degree from Johnson and Wales University, and I've held a variety of jobs - from construction to sales, to owning a small landscape and irrigation business, to working at the Bethpage golf courses, and for the past 20 years, maintaining athletic fields for a university. I have been married twice in my life, the first time to a woman who suffered from severe mental illness. That marriage ended in a horrific divorce, filled with trips to mental institutions and dealing with the family court system. If anyone has been through it. You know that it is Hell on Earth. After some time, I was fortunate enough to meet Kristina, and we fell in love. Our family grew even larger when I became a stepfather to her three daughters, who are now 19 and in college. We met when they were 4. Through all of the trials and tribulations that I have experienced throughout my life, I have always come out the other side stronger, better, and more resilient than before. I am proud of the family I have built with my sons, now 24 and 28, and my beautiful stepdaughters. I am grateful to have been able to find the strength and courage to persevere and make it through all of the difficult times. I've always been active and adventurous. Skiing since my teens, becoming an avid golfer and in my 30's taking up motocross and running. These were some of the most exciting and fun times of my life - but also some of the most damaging to my body due to pushing too hard, too fast, too quick. I ended up with a slew of broken bones and torn ligaments, and my activities came to a sudden halt when my back couldn't take it anymore. So, for the next 8 years I did the exact opposite - sitting on the couch and gaining weight. I promised myself at 50 I'd start to make a change, and I started at 52. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, so I set a goal of 170lbs and running a marathon. Something I always wanted to accomplish, but never could because of injuries. Of course, I went too hard, too fast, too quick yet again, and ended up back in the PT's office and eventually at the orthopedic. I grudgingly listened to what was prescribed, hired coaches and followed their advice, and in the end, I got my life back - I lost 50lbs and ran the NYC Marathon. I had fallen in love with the whole process, and I realized how vital strength training was. To help others, I became certified through NASM as a personal trainer and also Precision Nutritions nutrition coaching course. All my life experiences, not just physical fitness and weight loss have shaped my goal of wanting to help others. I've learned to keep it simple, and that we don't have to do this thing called life by ourselves. With that mindset, I'm confident that we can all achieve our goals of living a healthy, active and happy life, one day at a time. If you guys or ladies would like a dumbbell workout or gym equipment workout just let me know. I'm looking forward to writing new content each week and providing you help however I can. Guy You can follow me on Instagram @guyfitz1266 You can follow me on Facebook Don't follow simplyfit66 on FB I don't use the page. FB makes you get a business page so you can advertise. I use my personal page. You can also peruse my YouTube Channel Or my website. .

  • Benefits of Working Out During Winter

    Cold weather workouts are far more challenging as compared to summer workouts. The body loses heat faster through convective heat transfer, and it may be challenging to maintain the core temperature of your internal organs as you work out. To work out in cold weather, you need to make appropriate preparations. You will need to put on layers of clothes to keep warm and comfortable, and, when it’s dark and icy, it gets even more difficult to exercise. Additionally, the temptation to stay indoors and watch Netflix may make it very difficult to exercise, but if you are disciplined enough and you do go out, winter workouts can have several benefits on your body and your mind. These include: It Improves Your Mood Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or ‘winter blues’ is characterized by depression. According to research published in Psychiatry, approximately 20 percent of Americans suffer from mild to severe depression during winter. One of the best ways of combating these feelings of sadness is by working out. Workouts can help our bodies secrete more feel-good hormones. Researchers have found that workouts are up to 4 times more effective than taking antidepressants in the relief of depression symptoms. If you decide to exercise outdoors, you will not only get fresh air and boost your mood but also get a good dose of vitamin D. It Boosts Your Immune System Each winter brings around illnesses, and most people blame it on the cold weather. However, it is the viruses that make us sick and being congested in a heated room can expose you to more viruses compared to staying outdoors. It Is a Great Cardiovascular Exercise Both your body and the cardiovascular system works harder when working out in the cold weather. Your heart works hard to pump blood, and this keeps it healthy and in good shape. With heart diseases being on the rise, it is a great thing to know that winter workouts can help in keeping your heart healthy and strong. It Makes Increasing Workout Intensity Less Difficult If you like to run, bike, or walk, the humidity and heat of summer can make it challenging to up your mileage or intensity. On the other hand, cold weather makes it easier to handle more intensity since you are not subjected to that stress. If you want to break a new personal record in a race, you should try working out during winter. According to a study that was published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercises, marathon runners recorded slow performance in warm temperatures as compared to colder temperatures. During winter workouts, it is recommended to do an adequate warm-up to relax your muscles. You Burn More Calories When working out during winter, your metabolism will speed up. It also works faster, and thus you end up burning more fat. An increased metabolism rate means that you may end up losing a few pounds. If you would like to speak with me about one of my programs. You can book it through this calendar. Thanks and have an awesome day!

  • Introduction to Strength Training for Weight-Lifting Novices

    So, you've spent the last few days admiring the muscle definition of people at the gym. You’ve compared their muscle definition to yours. You now realize that your muscles aren’t nearly as impressive! All those months at the gym have unfortunately failed to produce the muscles you want. As a result, you haven’t been able to achieve muscle strength. So, what now? How do you enhance your knowledge of strength training as well as get desired results? As a weight-lifting novice, this is exactly the guidance you require. As you read on, you'll realize that you're much closer to muscle strength than you think! Consider these tips when completing weight training: 1. Reps over weight. You may be impressed by the weights your gym mates can lift. But try not to be discouraged. You can achieve muscle definition by doing more reps with lighter weights. · Heavier weights with fewer reps will build muscle faster. But there is also a learning curve and the ability for getting injured. So, I always suggest going slow and easy at first. · Should you use free weights or the machines? I like to start people out with some machines and some free weights. This is all about safety and learning technique. . How Long Will It Take? The million-dollar question. Most of us will not see any real change for 6 months to a year. I know, I know, That's too long. You will begin to get stronger much faster than that. It will take time before you notice a big difference in the mirror. I suggest you take pictures. What we see in the mirror can be very different from what pictures show us. Just remember Rome wasn't built in a day. Building muscle takes time. It's so worth it though. Having muscle on your body is very expensive. Meaning you need to feed it. Meaning you get to eat more, not gain weight and look better. WHAT!!! That's crazy. Yes, crazy but true. So be patient and consistent. It will happen. You will build muscle. You will get stronger. You will feel better. You will look better. You will move better. You will be able to eat more. I don't want to get all bulky like those people in the magazines. Don't worry that is not going to magically happen. Us mere mortals simply do not have the genetics to look like that. Not only that we don't have 8 hours every day to be in the gym. Not saying it is impossible. Not saying if that is what you want to do that you cannot do it. I'm just saying unless you dedicate your life to getting ripped, it's never going to happen. So don't worry about it. 2. The dietary involvement. A big part of strength training success is a healthy diet. The correct combination of exercise and diet will aid you in your strength training. · Protein intake is crucial for muscle building. Eating high protein foods is something most of us lack. If you are hoping to build muscle, it’s necessary. One gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass is a great number to shoot for. · If you're lifting weights, carbohydrates are also important. They help to provide the fuel you need to keep going. The longer you can keep at it, the sooner you can expect to see results. Before all you Keto people jump down my throat. Yes, carbs are not necessary. But in my humble opinion and in my experience. I feel better and perform better eating carbs. I don't suggest not eating them. I will not tell you that you have to, because nothing is written in stone. You do what is working for you. So, if you are reading this and you would like to try and stay away from carbs. Then go for it. See how it works for you. You may love it. Trying different things is what makes this field so interesting. Not one thing works for everyone. Experimenting with different ways of eating and working out is probably the best way to find out what you like and what will work best for you. Some of you will start lifting weights and just hate it. Well, if that is the case, stop and move on to something else. There are plenty of different ways to do strength training. What is important is that you keep doing something. 3. Core strengthening. Having a strong core is important to developing overall strength. When you have a strong core, you're better able to maintain your weight-training regimen. You'll get good back support, and you can stave off injury. Some good core strengthening exercises include: · Planks, which are awesomely effective core strengthening exercises. All variations help to strengthen the abs, lower back, shoulders, and other muscle groups. · Balance ball routines, which provide overall core strengthening support. The abdominals form part of your core and you can get really effective workouts using the balance ball. · Pushups have a similar effect to planks but focus a lot on upper body strength. Building strength this way makes working with weights much easier. · Oblique twists, which support the transverse abdominis, target the muscle group located under the obliques and wrap around your spine for protection and stability. · Working with free weights also works your core. Most people do not realize this. When standing and holding weights you need to be able to brace yourself. That’s your core firing up to protect you. If you are doing your compound lifts, you are definitely getting a decent core workout as well. I like to add either knee ups or some stability ball crunches at the end of a workout. 4. Building endurance. We think about endurance and for most of us we think I hate running. No need to run or cycle for hours on end. Actually, if you are looking to get stronger and build muscle you should cut down on your aerobic activities. We simply need to stay active. Go for walks. If you love to run than continue. Just remember to take it easy. Focus more on your muscle building than your running. You can build endurance with any or all of the following workouts: · Walking is by far the simplest endurance exercise. Start out with 10 minutes, then gradually increase the time and speed of steps. Walking gets your heart rate up, which can cause you to feel winded. By resisting that feeling and continuing the routine, you'll eventually eliminate that winded feeling. · Aerobics exercises help to build endurance and muscle strength at the same time. Spinning, for example, provides a great leg strengthening workout for its aerobic value. · Swimming and playing racket sports like tennis or squash also require a high amount of energy. Building endurance results from routinely participating in these and other high energy sports. Include these minor changes in your workout regimen and you'll achieve better muscle strength and definition sooner than you think! Get started today! Of course, if you need any guidance or you are looking for someone to help you over the hump don't hesitate:

  • Some Great Ways to Stay in Shape During the Christmas Season

    It's so easy to drift off into Carefree Land the minute the Christmas season rolls around, isn’t it? Every ounce of discipline you've had throughout the year with things like hitting targets, eating healthily, and working out give way to the festivities that accompany Christmas. It's okay to participate in the season's festivities and indulge a little, but you absolutely should ensure that you do what's necessary to stay in shape even if your normal routine is interrupted. The good thing for you is that it's still possible to stay in shape during the Christmas season. So, as you go through the motions of planning Christmas dinner, wrapping presents, and drinking eggnog, why not include these tips for ensuring your health and fitness are in check at the same time? 1. Do Christmas shopping on foot. In this the Information Age, it's pretty easy to just jump on a computer and do all the Christmas shopping online. While it's convenient and efficient, it takes away from the enjoyment of "touch and feel" as well as the physical workout! · Find the biggest mall in your area and stroll on the weekend in search of gifts for family and friends. · Visit multiple locations to find the best deals - and secretly the fitness benefits. · Wear leg shaping sneakers on your expedition so you're getting the added benefit of toned legs and buttocks! 2. Keep healthy snacks around. While watching your favorite Christmas movies or spending the night wrapping presents, it's likely that you'll want to have snacks around. And you can definitely do that, but just ensure they're healthy options and nothing that you'll feel guilty about down the road. · Nuts are always a good idea for snacking. · Remember that if something's around when you get hungry, you'll likely eat it. Keep that in mind when shopping for snacks at the supermarket. 3. Participate in daytime festivities. Instead of throwing a late evening bash for friends and family, why not make it brunch? A daytime celebration works out better than a late evening one because even if your food choices aren’t the healthiest, you'll have more time to burn off the calories before bedtime. 4. Go visiting the houses that are all lit up at night. Find a list of houses or just walk around the neighborhood and enjoy the festive show. 5. Go Ice Skating at the local outdoor rink. 6. Go sleigh riding. If you are lucky enough to have some snow, get out there and play! 7. Go skiing for a few days. No surprise this is one of my favorite options. 8. Go to the City. If you are near a city, I’m sure there is plenty of walking, going on downtown. Go check out the tree. Make sure you park far away so you get a good work out in. 9. Do potluck dinner on Christmas Day. There's nothing as yummy as leftovers after Christmas, right? Unfortunately, leftovers can often lead to overeating. Instead of cooking a whole feast, why not team up with friends and potluck on Christmas Day? Fewer leftovers and less expense! · If you opt to do a rich and creamy macaroni and cheese, bake it in a disposable container instead of your pricey baking dish. That way, you won't feel inclined to take home whatever's left. While you'll have better luck at staying in shape by staying away from the festivities, that's simply not an option! Christmas comes around for you to enjoy and make the most of. Just be sure that in the midst of the enjoyment are wise decisions that take your health and fitness into consideration. Happy holidays!

  • 11 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Without Going to the Gym

    You know you need to slim down, but for one reason or another you’d rather not spend a lot of hours at the gym. Maybe you find it difficult to carve out time to drive there or there’s usually a long line for your favorite machines. Maybe you feel self-conscious because you think your stomach is too big or your muscles are too small. You can drop pounds without having to buy a gym membership. Try these strategies for lifestyle changes you can make on your own to reach your weight loss and fitness goals. Exercising Outside of the Gym There are many places to work out besides the gym. Just look around your home or neighborhood for inviting spots. Consider these options: Stay home. Exercise in the convenience of your home. Designing a home gym can be as simple as setting aside a corner for your floor mat and a few props. Go to the park. Check out what your local park has to offer. In addition to a jogging trail, you may find exercise circuits, a pool, and basketball courts. Walk anywhere. Walking is an effective and free form of exercise almost anyone can do. Plan your route around local shopping malls or waterfront promenades. Consuming Fewer Calories Many studies confirm that changing your diet may be even more important than exercise when it comes to losing weight. While you need daily activity to stay healthy, you can shrink your waistline by consuming fewer calories. I know easier said than done. Especially when there is cheesecake and or cookies involved. Develop some better habits to reduce your calories: Focus on whole foods. Make natural foods the mainstay of your diet. Replacing processed foods will eliminate most sources of sugar, salt, empty calories, and unhealthy fats. Eat more vegetables and fruit. Aim for at least 7 servings a day of fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits. Eating a variety of colors will help you to consume a wide range of necessary nutrients. Measure your portions. Most adults can eat just about anything in moderation. Plus, a sprinkling of M&Ms in your plain organic yogurt may banish cravings that could make you eat a whole bag. Other Lifestyle Changes for Losing Weight Many simple and easy weight loss habits often get overlooked. Maximize the results of your exercise and diet by adding a few of these practices to your regular routine: Manage stress. Chronic tension can cause inflammation, overeating, and other issues. Learn relaxation practices that work for you. You may enjoy listening to soft instrumental music or sitting quietly for 15 minutes. There are many deep breathing techniques that can help you decompress. None of this is easy in our crazy world. But it can be done. You can find what calms you down. The something that brings you some peace. keep an open mind and try new things. You may be surprised by what actually works. Sleep well. Sleep deprivation triggers weight gain by slowing down your metabolism and interfering with the hormones that regulate hunger. Try to go to bed and rise on a consistent schedule, even on weekends and holidays. Not getting enough sleep has been proven to be very detrimental to our health. So, make it a priority. We are always going to have those long nights and crazy days. Do your best to make those fewer by keeping mindful of the importance of sleep. Weigh in. Studies show that adults who weigh themselves daily are significantly more successful at losing weight and keeping it off. Knowing you’ll have to face the scale tends to make you more conscious of your choices throughout the day. Keep in mind that daily fluctuations are natural and usually related to water weight. Many people find this to be very difficult. Some of us are very obsessive about the numbers. If that's the case, I suggest weighing once a week. Drink coffee or tea. Unless you’re sensitive to caffeine, you can probably safely consume up to 4 cups of coffee a day, according to most experts. While the effects are modest, caffeine can increase your metabolism and decrease your hunger. Important note. Make sure you drink lots of water. 1 cup of water for every cup of coffee on top of your daily water intake. Drink responsibly. Many adults underestimate the number of liquid calories they consume. If possible, avoid soda and choose your cocktails wisely. For example, a Bloody Mary has 120 calories while a Margarita has 740. You can shed extra pounds and stay healthy without setting foot inside a gym. Exercise regularly, eat less, and make other positive changes that will keep your body lean and strong.

  • Benefits of Protein Supplements

    For decades, protein supplements have solely been consumed by athletes, bodybuilders, and those who indulge in heavy exercise routines. It might have been a sports supplement used to enhance muscles but, nowadays, a lot of health-conscious individuals are using protein shakes in their diets. Protein supplements have various benefits and can be found in the form of powder, solid food, or fluid formulation. The supplements are preferred over traditional protein sources because of their availability and reduced preparation time. A large population is currently using these supplements for weight reduction and muscle toning. Other possible benefits of protein supplements include: Nutrition Those who struggle to meet their daily protein requirements can use supplements as an alternative. Older adults, weightlifters, athletes, and those with chronic illnesses may require more protein intake. Researchers have found that athletes involved in strenuous exercise training can benefit from having around twice their daily recommended protein intake, ranging between 1.4 and 2.0 grams per kg of body weight. Muscle Gain Protein supplements may help if you want to gain lean muscle. According to a research study done at Rice University, an adult who is looking to put on muscle needs to strength train several days a week and increase his protein intake from 0.40-0.60 g per pound of his body weight to 0.60-0.90 grams. Recovery After Exercise In addition to muscle growth, protein supplements can help in repairing damaged tissues and muscles. During workouts, the body naturally directs amino acids and energy to support muscle contractions. After the workout, your muscles go through a recovery phase. Drinking a protein supplement after the workout can help soothe muscles that may have been damaged during the exercise. The supplement can also help in speeding up the recovery of sore muscles by reducing muscle damage and enhancing muscle performance and protein synthesis. It Helps with Muscle Growth and Recovery Taking protein supplements will not only build and strengthen your muscles, but it can also prevent muscle breakdown. Combining exercise and regular activity with high protein intake will promote muscle growth and strengthening. High-quality protein supplements are rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and contain essential amino acids. One of the BCAAs (Leucine) plays a crucial role in stimulating muscle growth and recovery after endurance and resistance training. As such, protein shakes, for instance, are very convenient for athletes who are always on-the-go. It Promotes Satiety and Boosts Metabolism Proteins will make you feel fuller than fats and carbohydrates. This may be beneficial to athletes who are always fueling up their bodies for an extended period of time. The supplement’s ability to reduce hunger levels and appetite helps in the reduction of calorie intake, which is a key factor for those trying to achieve weight loss. Along with the reduction of appetite, taking protein supplements boosts metabolism. Your body utilizes energy to digest and make use of nutrients in the food you consume. This is referred to as the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF), and protein’s thermic effect is greater than that of fats and carbohydrates. If you are looking to lose belly fat or want to get the ideal body composition, consider replacing carbs with protein. If you have any questions or need to hire a coach. Please do not hesitate.

  • Some Benefits of Working Out and Staying Active During Winter

    Cold weather workouts are far more challenging as compared to summer workouts. The body loses heat faster through convective heat transfer, and it may be challenging to maintain the core temperature of your internal organs as you work out. To work out in cold weather, you need to make appropriate preparations. You will need to put on layers of clothes to keep warm and comfortable, and, when it’s dark and icy, it gets even more difficult to exercise. Additionally, the temptation to stay indoors and watch Netflix may make it very difficult to exercise, but if you are disciplined enough and you do go out, winter workouts can have several benefits on your body and your mind. These include: It Improves Your Mood Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or ‘winter blues’ is characterized by depression. According to research published in Psychiatry, approximately 20 percent of Americans suffer from mild to severe depression during winter. One of the best ways of combating these feelings of sadness is by working out. Workouts can help our bodies secrete more feel-good hormones. Researchers have found that workouts are up to 4 times more effective than taking antidepressants in the relief of depression symptoms. If you decide to exercise outdoors, you will not only get fresh air and boost your mood but also get a good dose of vitamin D. It Boosts Your Immune System Each winter brings around illnesses, and most people blame it on the cold weather. However, it is the viruses that make us sick and being congested in a heated room can expose you to more viruses compared to staying outdoors. It Is a Great Cardiovascular Exercise Both your body and the cardiovascular system works harder when working out in the cold weather. Your heart works hard to pump blood, and this keeps it healthy and in good shape. With heart diseases being on the rise, it is a great thing to know that winter workouts can help in keeping your heart healthy and strong. It Makes Increasing Workout Intensity Less Difficult If you like to run, bike, or walk, the humidity and heat of summer can make it challenge to up your mileage or intensity. On the other hand, cold weather makes it easier to handle more intensity since you are not subjected to that stress. If you want to break a new personal record in a race, you should try working out during winter. According to a study that was published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercises, marathon runners recorded slow performance in warm temperatures as compared to colder temperatures. During winter workouts, it is recommended to do an adequate warm-up to relax your muscles. You Burn More Calories When working out during winter, your metabolism will speed up. It also works faster, and thus you end up burning more fat. An increased metabolism rate means that you may end up losing a few pounds.

  • Five Ways To Remain Motivated During Your Weight Loss Journey

    Getting started with a new weight loss plan is one thing but continuing to stick to it can be challenging. Have you ever started a weight loss plan with a goal only to realize that you're losing interest even before you reach the third day? Many people have found themselves doing the same thing - they start a weight loss diet and exercise plan but fail to implement it permanently. You started the weight loss plan because you wanted to reach a certain goal and it is crucial to keep reminding yourself of this. Regardless of what your exact goal is or what diet you want to try, following a weight loss plan should never be hard. Tell yourself and believe that you are destined for success. If you have started a new plan but have since stopped, try again and work to keep yourself motivated and make things happen this time. If you don’t know how to stay motivated during your weight loss journey, then read this article! Article Summary: The following are five tips to help you stay motivated during your weight loss plan. Use these tips and work towards achieving your desired weight loss goal. 1. Set Realistic Goals and Track Progress. 2. Reward Yourself on Accomplishing Goals. 3. Use Medical Motivation. 4. Don't Try So Hard. 5. Set A Quiz for Yourself. Set Realistic Goals and Track Progress You never know where you're going unless you know where you're coming from. Set achievable goals and keep records of your progress. You can get a notebook and jot down your stats or create a spreadsheet on your computer. Tracking your progress motivates you to carry on with the plan. You can track your progress by weighing yourself or calculating your body mass index. When you look back and see how far you've come, you'll be motivated not to revert to your old habits. Reward Yourself on Accomplishing Goals The best way to stay motivated is to reward yourself for every successful weight loss stage. You can reward yourself with items other than food such as a movie night or a trip to your favorite place. People love different things so you can reward yourself based on what you like most. You can go for afternoon golf or fishing. Reading a new book or watching movies on a lazy Saturday is an excellent reward for those who love passive leisure activities. Use Medical Motivation Approximately 65% of people want to lose weight to have an impressive physical appearance. Only 35% of them do it for medical health. When you feel that you've already achieved that nice figure, motivate yourself to continue doing it for health and improved quality of life. Don't try so hard The secret to excellent weight-loss outcomes isn't based on how hard you try. Even in a car, it’s not the full fuel tank that motivates you to drive. You only fill it to prevent the car from running out of fuel. The same case applies to your weight loss plan. Let motivation be intrinsic. If you realize that the motivation is waning, take a break from the exercise or diet plan for 2-3 days. Let the plan run on a natural course. Set a quiz for yourself A quick healthy quiz can boost your motivation to keep soldiering on with your weight loss plan. Set the following questions and get answers for them, based on your progress: ● What will my health be like if I stop my exercise plan? ● How will I feel one year from now if I stop my weight loss plan? Bottom line If following a weight loss plan to the end was easy, then slimming down would be a thing of the past. Losing weight is hard and everyone needs daily motivation to keep managing it. Grab this opportunity and try some of these motivation tips. The process may be challenging but the benefits are worth the try. Make sure to cheer each other on! Keep focused and be goal-oriented, tracking your daily progress during your journey will make it all worthwhile in the end!

  • What Type of Diet is Best for You?

    Whether you intend to lose weight, gain muscle, or simply live a healthier, more sustainable life, one's diet is typically the largest consideration and stressor. The options are endless, and it can oftentimes be overwhelming to figure out which path to choose. Do you go the low-carb route or the fasting route? Do you count calories and macronutrients, or not? Can I have a cheat meal or not? Should I try the Mediterranean diet or the keto diet? The stress is understandable and the misinformation endless…However, there is a right answer to this! That answer? Choose the diet that you’ll stick to and enjoy the most. Simple. Of course, some standard rules need to be considered dependent upon your goals. There are clear-cut decisions that classify whether or not you’re eating healthy - we all know this. Fruits and vegetables are generally good, while processed foods like crackers and cookies are generally bad. The distinction here is moderation, commitment, discipline, but most of all - enjoyment. As long as you can stick to a relatively healthy diet (i.e., the 80/20 rule), your only decision left is to find out what works for you and stick to it. There are many effective diets out there. The real player is compliance and sustainability. So, what type of diet is best for you? The best diet is one supported by science, healthy, and is most easily abided by the individual. A diet typically focused on whole food, plant-based options (yes, this can include animal proteins!) with the flexibility to be tailored to the individual is usually a great place to start. Find out what you enjoy, make sure that it’s generally in the parameters of a healthy lifestyle, and stick to that! A diet is simply a broad framework of what you can and cannot eat. It is not a jail sentence. In conclusion and to reiterate the take-home point: the diet that is best for you is the diet that you will stick to…

  • 3 Ways to Maintain Focus as You Age

    Do you want to boost your focus and determination? You’ve tons of things waiting to distract you as you strive to reach your ultimate goal. But the important thing in life is that you can't tell a success story without including a determination chapter and this one is often the longest. Success demands us to have many traits and the most important ones are willpower and determination. Most of us believe that determination is an innate trait. That's an absolute fallacy. It would be unfair to think people are born with determination and only those can be successful. Nobody is born with infinite success. If you ask any successful person what they did it to ‘make it’ in life, they will tell you that determination is a sacrifice they had to make. Instead of living under the false belief that they were born with determination, they came up with ways to harness and utilize what they had more effectively. Article Summary: This article discusses the three best methods to maintain your focus as you age and harness determination throughout your lifetime. Here are the three ways of achieving this: ● Always plan your day the night before. ● Start with the most challenging things. ● Get rid of time wasters and distractors. 1. Always Plan Your Day the Night Before Every night, before you go to bed, plan the next day’s activities. Always plan what you’ll wear, the meal you’ll have for lunch, dinner, and anything else you can think of. Pack a healthy lunch for the next day before you go to sleep, instead of deciding about it minutes before you set off for work. You should also plan a budget to avoid spending money on unnecessary items. Once you decide on a budget, stick to it. Decide the night before that you won’t surf the internet or check your emails until you've attended to the more critical tasks that need to take priority. Create a schedule and stick to it. When the day ends, shut your eyes for a minute and congratulate yourself on the excellent way in which you've taken charge of your day. Adopting the habit of planning your day helps you decide what should take priority and what can be postponed. This will help you avoid getting sidetracked and wasting precious time and energy on small things. 2. Start With the Most Difficult Things Complicated things are not easy to handle when someone is tired. You might even find yourself fretting or putting them off. Start with the most challenging task in the morning while your mind is still fresh, and you have more energy. Our minds are fresh and sharpest in the morning hours. This is the best time to tackle demanding tasks. After completing them, we can rest and then attend to the more routine tasks that don’t require as much energy whether mental or physical. 3. Get Rid of Time Wasters and Distractors Real emergencies can happen, and we must find time for them. However, most of the things that come up only cause distractions and don't require an immediate response. Attending non-urgent requests will only make your day more difficult, as it will pave the way for more distracting issues. By ignoring them, you’ll be proving to yourself that you are strong-willed, focused and too busy to be bothered by trivial, time-wasting things. Bottom Line Distractors emerge as we age, making us lose focus on reaching our ultimate goals. However, some things are critical to maintaining our focus and determination. Planning, avoiding distractions and starting your day with the more challenging tasks will help enhance your focus, making you age gracefully.

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